Why Tumbu?
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One flat monthly fee. No contracts, no hidden fees
UX/UI Design
3D Design
Why should I not just hire a full-time designer?
By working with us, you can access a team of designers with diverse skill sets and expertise, who can work on your project as needed. This means you can get high-quality design work without the overhead costs of hiring a full-time designer. Additionally, we offer flexibility and scalability, so you can adjust the scope and scale of your design needs as your business evolves.
What happens after I subscribe?
Once a few hours have passed, a personalized welcome email and a link to your Trello board will be sent to you. This will enable you to add an unlimited number of tasks to the "To Do" section, thus making you ready to get started.
What is the turnaround time?
Typically, our projects are finished within 3-5 days. Simple tasks, on average, take 1-2 days to complete, while moderate tasks usually take 2-4 days. Complex tasks can take up to 4-5 days to finish.
How does one task at a time work?
After you have listed your tasks, simply select your preferred task and move it to the "To Do" section. We will promptly review the task and contact you on the same day if we have any questions. If there are no questions, we will proceed to design your task and move it to the "Done" section once it is completed. You are welcome to provide us with feedback for revisions, or you can approve the task and request a new one.
After the designs are completed, who will own the rights to them?
You own all the rights of course.
Is there a limit to how many requests I can have?
After you subscribe, you have the freedom to add an unlimited number of design requests to your queue, and our team will complete them sequentially, delivering each one before moving onto the next.
With Tumbu you’re part of something bigger
Create your project today and receive your designs tomorrow. With our 30-day risk-free trial, you have nothing to lose.
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Designed with ♥️
from Atlanta & Nairobi
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